Stephin Jose,加拿大安大略省Barrie的开发者
Stephin is available for hire
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Stephin Jose

Verified Expert  in Engineering


August 17, 2022

Stephin is a full-stack engineer who has been integral to teams developing high-quality software for enterprise companies like GetReal Health for a decade. 他精通Angular, .NET Core (C#), and SQL Server stack and has also worked on technologies like Spring Boot and Django. Stephin joined Toptal to be able to work seamlessly and independently while collaborating with the best minds around the world. 他热衷于从事能让他充分发挥专业知识的项目.


角,角材料, .. NET, SQL, Azure, c#, TypeScript, CSS, REST api
GeneDx, LLC c/o sem4
C#, .. NET, SQL, JavaScript, React, Angular, REST api
Angular, .. NET Core, SQL Server 2016, Bootstrap, Angular Material, D3.js, XML...





Windows, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Ubuntu, MacOS, Fiddler, Slack, Skype


...improvement I've led used linting and formatting tools to create a coding standard and refine the greenfield project's codebase.

Work Experience


2023 - 2023
  • Developed, tested, and deployed the MVP of a greenfield project launched by the organization within five months. Special care was taken to ensure the work speed didn't affect the quality of the code.
  • Developed an identity server platform to provide authentication and authorization services for the organization's internal and public applications.
  • Created an API for internal applications to invite users to register in the authentication application. 经过验证的信息将在链接中加密并通过电子邮件发送给用户.
技术:角,角材料, .. NET, SQL, Azure, c#, TypeScript, CSS, REST api

Full-Stack .NET Developer

2022 - 2023
GeneDx, LLC c/o sem4
  • Developed an interface for the system admin to identify the records lost in data transmission and rectify the inconsistency manually.
  • Collaborated with multiple teams inside the organization to identify the performance bottlenecks while transferring data and proposed technical solutions to resolve them.
  • Monitored the application dashboard to identify any unusual activity or new error type and alerted the relevant teams to take action to rectify the issue.
技术:c#, .. NET, SQL, JavaScript, React, Angular, REST api


2019 - 2022
  • Wrote, debugged, and maintained T-SQL server tables and stored procedures required to meet business needs. 还集成了Dapper到 .Net Core数据层项目来轻松执行这些存储过程.
  • Contributed to the architecture design by researching and figuring out the best possible tools for our purpose and creating a POC model on numerous occasions. 我推荐的工具包括SelectPdf和PrimeNG.
  • 集成的SelectPdf从ASP生成pdf报告.NET Razor views. 这尤其具有挑战性,因为调试pdf几乎是不可能的. Out-of-the-box thinking was necessary to understand and resolve the issues inside the tool.
  • 开发了用于创建仪表板的自引导向导. 前端是用Angular完成的,后端是用 .Net Core. 数据库是一个SQL服务器,使用T-SQL开发存储过程.
  • 实现了从第三方系统导入XML文件的特性, enabling users to upload a batch of files and fix several validation errors on the fly. An ETL process using Azure durable functions would be triggered for successful uploads.
  • 利用SQL Server开发了文件导入过程的数据库模型. T-SQL was used for developing the script for the table structure and stored procedures.
  • Rectified a long-evaded production issue by moving away from WCF to the inbuilt HttpClient feature of .. NET Core,从而减少并发服务器到服务器连接的数量. 这涉及到利用共享连接池.
  • Integrated ESLint and Prettier to one of our greenfield projects to enforce coding standards and catch potential errors during development. This was also added to the CI process to ensure the code being pushed is of the best possible quality.
  • 通过扩展Angular Material日期选择器,开发了一个自定义日期范围控件. 这是由于业务的具体要求, 这需要特定的日期来选择.
技术:角, .. NET Core, SQL Server 2016, Bootstrap, Angular Material, D3.js, XML, REST, C#, TypeScript, RxJS, Fiddler, CSS, SQL, 单点登录(SSO), Microservices, Agile, Unit Testing, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL Server, Back-end, SCSS, .NET, Azure, C#.NET, WebSockets, APIs, HTML, HTML5, Microsoft Azure, Azure SQL, Azure应用服务, API Management, t - sql (transact - sql), Full-stack, REST APIs


2012 - 2019
Rckr Software
  • Headed a team of four junior engineers working on customizing GetReal Health's EMR platform as per the requirements of a particular customer. This work included integrating health information exchange (HIE) and reconciling XML files.
  • Oversaw the design, development, and deployment of product features relevant to the customer. 这涉及到持续地与客户沟通以澄清需求, 指导初级工程师, 审查他们的代码.
  • 为产品从ASP的完全迁移做出了重大贡献.NET to Angular/.. NET Core/ T-SQL栈. This included hours of research to find out the ideal way to deal with the complex and dynamic structure of the application.
  • Added tables, views, indexes, and stored procedures to the SQL Server database and the corresponding T-SQL scripts to the codebase, which were relevant to the enhancement of the product and necessary for integration to third-party systems.
  • 合并使用OAuth 2的单点登录.0标准,高度可配置的方式. The addition of a new authentication provider was made possible by adding endpoints to a JSON configuration file.
  • Developed a messaging feature for patients and providers to interact with each other. This was similar to modern chat applications with live load and notification of new messages without the user reloading the page.
  • Created an XSLT for reconciling XML health data accessed from third-party endpoints like Microsoft HealthVault into our custom datatypes. 超过100种数据类型具有单独的结构,需要单独处理.
  • Integrated Health Information Exchange (HIE) with our core product to facilitate automatic patient onboarding and importing of their health data to our database. 使用SQL server存储映射数据,使用T-SQL编写脚本.
  • Discovered a major security flaw with the existing single sign-on process where a potential hacker could modify the JSON Web Token sent to the back end to impersonate a user. 这有助于该公司及时安全地纠正问题,以便发布.
技术:ASP.NET, ASP.. NET Core, Angular, XML, XSLT, REST, JSON, jQuery, SOAP, Web服务描述语言(WSDL), HL7, HL7 FHIR标准, Subversion (SVN), Git, Jira, Confluence, .NET Core, C#, TypeScript, RxJS, Fiddler, CSS, SQL, 单点登录(SSO), Microservices, Agile, Unit Testing, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL Server, Back-end, SCSS, .NET, C#.. NET、api、HTML、HTML5、t - sql (transact - sql)、全栈、REST api


A web app that facilitates admin users to upload charts of trending stocks and other commodities. 最终用户可以订阅该应用程序并访问这些图表. 这是我朋友的商业想法,我从零开始实施. 我用Angular来做UI组件, .. NET Core作为API端点,SQL Server作为数据库. My task was to implement the initial prototype with a provision to integrate a payment gateway later and adapt to a payment-based subscription.

用户可以被分配两个不同的角色. 管理员可以注册新的订阅者和admin用户. An admin user can upload pictures of new chart formations worth watching the following day. A detailed explanation of why it is important at the moment and the breaking points to watch for are also included. 订阅者可以根据市场筛选所有上传的新图表, sector, volume, price, etc. 这使他们能够在股票市场上做出更明智的决定.
2008 - 2012




RxJS, jQuery, REST api, D3.js, React


Azure应用服务, Git, Fiddler, MATLAB, Subversion (SVN), Jira, Confluence, Visual Studio, Slack, Skype


.. NET Core, Angular, .NET, ASP.. NET, Bootstrap, ASP.. NET Core, Angular Material


XML, XSLT, c#, TypeScript, CSS, JavaScript, c#.NET, HTML, HTML5, t - sql (transact - sql), SQL, SCSS, C, 汇编语言, VHDL, Web服务描述语言(WSDL)


REST,单元测试,微服务,敏捷,HL7 FHIR标准


Azure, Windows, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Ubuntu, MacOS


JSON, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL, 数据库管理系统(DBMS), SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), SQL Server 2016


APIs, API Management, Full-stack, 单点登录(SSO), Back-end, WebSockets, Microsoft Azure, Architecture, 数字信号处理, Microprocessors, 数字电子技术, SOAP, HL7, 支付网关, Communication, Networks



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