Dino Trojak, Developer in Zagreb, Croatia
Dino is available for hire
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Dino Trojak

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
June 17, 2015

Dino loves building quality software and experimenting with new technologies. His language of choice is JavaScript. He believes in Agile practices and TDD, meaning that he is devoted to awesome tests and doesn't settle for anything less. It means his definition of "refactoring" doesn’t consider only the code. He is continuously working on improving his ever-expanding skillset.


Reactor Studio
Cypress, Jest, React Native, Node.js, React, JavaScript
Cobe Gmbh.
Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, React, SCSS, Gulp, Yeoman, AngularJS, Express.js...
Studio Revolucija
Ionic, D3.js, Yeoman, AngularJS, NPM, Bower, Gulp, Less, Sass, jQuery




Preferred Environment

Jest, Webpack, React Native, React, Git, MacOS

The most amazing...

...workshop I've held was a 40-attendee JavaScript course.

Work Experience


2015 - PRESENT
Reactor Studio
  • Worked on large-scale React apps.
  • Maintained large-scale JavaScript apps.
  • Led a team of 8+ developers.
  • Created and deployed React Native apps.
  • Worked closely with the product/design team.
  • Reviewed and kept code quality high.
Technologies: Cypress, Jest, React Native, Node.js, React, JavaScript

Lead JavaScript Developer

2015 - 2015
Cobe Gmbh.
  • Proposed a migration plan for a full-stack JavaScript development process that got accepted.
  • Wrote a Yeoman generator for easy scaffolding of future AngularJS apps.
  • Introduced ES6 into the development toolset.
  • Created some smaller apps with React.
  • Introduced Git flow into the development process.
Technologies: Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, React, SCSS, Gulp, Yeoman, AngularJS, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB

Front-end Developer

2013 - 2015
Studio Revolucija
  • Introduced new technologies like Ionic, AngularJS, and CSS preprocesors to the company.
  • Switched from plain CSS to Sass/Less.
  • Did an internal Ionic workshop.
  • Switched from CanJS to AngularJS.
  • Did a lot of Python Django templating.
Technologies: Ionic, D3.js, Yeoman, AngularJS, NPM, Bower, Gulp, Less, Sass, jQuery

Front-end Developer

2013 - 2013
  • Built a Cordova app using Backbone.
  • Used Less for the CSS preprocesor and Grunt for the task runner.
Technologies: Cordova, Bootstrap, Underscore.js, Grunt, Less, Backbone.js, jQuery

My Stack Overflow Profile

Collection of projects on my personal Stack Overflow profile.

My GitHub Profile

A collection of projects stored on GitHub.


First and later lead developer on the project (8+ developers) for three years.
2010 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia

University North - Varaždin


React, Node.js, Handlebars, Lodash, jQuery, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, D3.js


Webpack, Git, Atom, NPM, Yeoman, Sketch, Babel, Browserify, Bower, Gulp, Grunt, Karma


React Native, Ionic, Express.js, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Protractor, Jasmine, Jest, Cypress


JavaScript, SCSS, Less, Sass, Ruby


Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile Software Development, Model View Presenter (MVP), Responsive


PostgreSQL, MongoDB




GitFlow, Prototyping, Cordova

Collaboration That Works

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