Edgar Emilio Polanco Gomez, Project Manager in Colima, Mexico
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Edgar Emilio Polanco Gomez

Verified Expert  in Project Management

Project Manager

Colima, Mexico
Toptal Member Since
May 1, 2019

Edgar是一名高级工程经理和项目经理,在IT行业拥有超过20年的经验,专门从事软件开发和质量保证. 他擅长在各种组织规模的敏捷和瀑布式环境中领导远程和跨国团队, from startups to large Fortune 500 organizations. His expertise encompasses various industries including healthcare, telecommunications, eCommerce, and education.

Project Highlights

Aurea Software
IBM's Retail Group Divestiture to ToshibaGCS
CureOne N1 Registry MVP


Work Experience

Software Engineering Manager

2018 - 2019
Aurea Software
  • Interviewed, selected, onboarded, 并从全球人才库中指导候选人,以实现十多种产品的激进目标.
  • 领导一个由大约20名QA自动化工程师组成的团队,分布在全球各地,涉及多种产品和技术(量角器), Re-quest-promise [API testing], Cucumber/Selenium and Appium).
  • 根据来自共享和拥有的Jira仪表板的测试自动化工作的具体指标,执行每日和每周的团队工作跟踪, Allure Reports/Jenkins, Test Rail results and GSheets.
  • 创建我自己的Google表格仪表板,汇总从Jira和其他web服务中提取的数据(使用自己开发的Python脚本).
  • Followed up on escalations, communicated and removed blocked issues, and adjusted the plan and team allocation to meet our goals.
  • Held weekly one-on-ones and daily team meetings to communicate strategies, weekly goals, and review team and individual performance.
  • Reported progress status to VPs of Engineering.
  • 每天和每周跟进、跟踪和响应组织的合规计划. Reviewed and tracked the team summary (hours, metrics, cost per unit vs target cost per unit, intensity & focus), and aligned activities and goals.
  • 向所有团队执行Gemba步,以确定最佳和坏的实践,并与团队共享.

Agile Project Manager/Sr Software QA Manager

2015 - 2018
  • 跟踪项目进度、风险、问题,以及来自看板和Scrum项目的客户期望.
  • 验证并记录标准操作程序(SOP)文件以进行评估, confirm and improve the processes related to the teams' work.
  • 通过模板、过程指南和度量标准使组织的PMO形式化.
  • 文档化的项目评审记分卡(重点、里程碑、风险和问题).
  • 向客户服务总监提交项目评审记分卡和进度.
  • 为PMO团队面试项目管理候选人,为客户面试QA候选人.
  • 促进不同团队和客户的Scrum活动(站立会议/每日会议), sprint planning, grooming sessions, sprint demos, and sprint retro).
  • Gathered customers' requirements and documented them in user stories.
  • Designed workflow charts and diagrams for customers' user stories.
  • 与UX/UI设计师一起审核并澄清客户项目的预期界面和用户交互.
  • Directly managed customers' requirements and expectations.
  • 为不同的客户准备和审查软件测试计划和测试策略.
  • 在使用Cucumber场景(Gherkin)的软件开发工程测试期间做出贡献, Ruby, and Selenium-Java.
  • 为客户的web应用程序规划使用Blazemeter/JMeter的性能和负载测试策略.
  • Demonstrated team deliverables from release to customer's executives.
  • 举行一对一的会议,指导个人贡献者并消除障碍.

Project Manager/Business Analyst

2011 - 2015
  • 领导订单管理全球pm组,将零售商店解决方案(RSS)业务剥离给ToshibaGCS (Wave 1), 2, 3, 4 and ISC release).
  • Created a worldwide project plan, budget, 以及订单-2-现金项目的不同剥离和收购时间表.
  • Led the Agile coaching group for the IBM CIO Mexico group. 指导不同的团队在复杂的项目中“安全地”从瀑布开发过渡到Scrum方法,以达到更短的部署.
  • Managed the project portfolio for the O2C Hardware (HW) Latin America tower. Rolling up the project portfolio status. 根据资产信息和应用程序所有者的反馈创建了一个通用的HW LA体系结构.
  • Led the students for a smarter planet (SFSP) program in Mexico.
  • Led the Students for a Smarter Planet: Mexico Cybersecurity Challenge, 这是一项由IBM网络安全副总裁和SFSP项目赞助的大学全国竞赛,在墨西哥大学领域有很大影响.
  • Managed the IBM Mexico Smartcamp 2013 event project in Guadalajara.

Software Quality Assurance Manager

2009 - 2011
  • Worked on site with the customer (Missouri; Seattle and Portland, OR, USA) for process and tools training.
  • 根据客户的需求从零开始面试、雇用和指导近岸QA团队.
  • 管理多个近岸团队的项目,时间紧迫,能见度高.
  • 为软件开发和测试项目创建并直接向执行层(CTO和CEO)报告度量标准.
  • Directly managed customer requirements and expectations.
  • Prepared and reviewed SOW documents for different projects/customers.
  • 为内部和外部客户在敏捷和瀑布环境中集成QA领域,咨询并提供改进软件开发生命周期(SDLC)的建议.
  • 计划并领导QA工程师获得ISTQB(国际软件测试资格委员会)基础认证.

Software Engineer/Staff Software Engineer - Architect

2004 - 2009
  • Participated in the strategy development for the IBM Mexico System & Technology Lab.
  • Contributed to software development, architect, and design. CPS (Code Program-ming Support), 在SNA上开发和测试AS/400 - isseries - System I内核操作系统 & communications team. Participated and helped in several Crit-Sit and Sev1 support problems. Helped with the design and implementation for SNA EE/IPv6.
  • Served as a technical leader in the TCP/IP Apps team. 从头开始设计并开发了RIPng路由协议在System i中的实现. Supported with the Development for the OSPF (IPv4 and IPv6) routing protocol. 对IPv6协议上其他路由协议的实现提供技术建议. 因为这项工作,获得了两个iSeries LUG(大用户组)纪念品奖.
  • 领导在墨西哥引进SSME(服务科学、管理和工程). 创建业务案例,使国家团队形式化,并将其提交给IBM高管.
  • 在全国服务科学理论与实践共同体SSME/ITSM (Service science)中担任IBM小组组长 & IT Service Management).
  • 制定了在墨西哥大学引入SSME、服务管理和ITILv3的计划.

CEO and Co-founder

2002 - 2004
  • 为本地客户的IT咨询服务从零开始创建业务计划.
  • Made business decisions; analyzed marketing practices and results; did technology research and closed sales deals.
  • Designed and developed, from scratch, 为墨西哥科利马州和哈利斯科州的客户提供不同的web解决方案(PHP和ASP)和Windows应用程序(VB6).

Software Engineer

2000 - 2002
Universidad de Colima
  • Researched, developed, designed, 并为联合国教科文组织(拉丁美洲数字图书馆)编制了一个跨平台(Linux和Windows)的网络图书馆系统。. Developed Linux installation scripts.
  • Designed, developed, 为内部控制和大学外部客户记录不同的IT系统(Windows和Web应用程序).
  • 开发了一个web平台,为Unix管理员链接一个Unix脚本来创建新用户(DevOps web-script).
  • Worked as a server administrator for Windows 2000 and NT 4.0. 作为IT安全管理员(系统更新和系统日志审查).
  • Led the software development area for the DIGESET (2000).

Aurea Software



- Interviewed, selected, 从全球人才库中加入并指导候选人,以满足积极的测试自动化目标.
- Followed, 每天和每周跟踪和响应组织的合规计划:审查和跟踪团队总结(小时), metrics, Cost per Unit vs target Cost per Unit, intensity & focus); Activities alignment and Goals
-根据来自共享和拥有的Jira仪表板的测试自动化工作的具体指标,执行每日和每周的团队工作跟踪, Allure Reports/Jenkins, Test Rail results and GSheets
- Followed up on the implementation of Gated-commits, Github持续集成检查和配置IDE插件与静态代码分析工具运行,以确认我的团队的代码符合我们的编码标准
- Held weekly 1-1s and daily team meetings to communicate strategies, weekly goals and review team and individual performance.
- Followed up escalations; communicated and removed blocked issues
- Adjusted the plan and team allocation to meet our goals.
- Reported progress status to VPs of Engineering

unosquare PMO


领导组织的PMO计划,并使用模板将其形式化, process guidelines, and metrics.

-验证并形成标准操作程序(SOP)文件以进行评估, confirm and improve the processes related to the teamwork.
- Interviewed project management candidates for the PMO team




- Reviewed and triaged errors Jenkins reports
- Led bug triage meeting from the reported issues in Jira
- Interviewed QA candidates



- Tracked progress status and issues from the Kanban board
-召开11 - 15和团队会议,跟进团队进展并指导个人贡献者
- Reviewed and removed blockers reported by the team

IBM's Retail Group Divestiture to ToshibaGCS


- Documented worldwide project plan, budget, and schedule for the whole project in different waves/releases (1, 2, 3, 4, and ISC release).
- Held weekly team meetings on progress-milestones, spent budget, risks, and issues per geographic area (US, Canada, Latam, EMEA, and Asia)
- Removed and tracked team blockers
- Reviewed and clarify budget inconsistencies
- Reported overall project status to the global director of order-2-cash.

IBM CIO Mexico's Agile Coaching Group

Led the establishment of the IBM CIO Mexico's agile Coaching group.


Unosquare's New Nearshore QA Area



- Worked on site with the customer (Missouri; Seattle and Portland-OR, USA) for process and tools training.
- Prepared and reviewed SOW documents for different projects/customers.

CureOne N1 Registry MVP



- Facilitated Scrum events for teams (stand up/daily meeting, sprint planning, grooming sessions, sprint demos, and sprint retro).
- Defined and documented customer requirements with user stories
- Designed workflow charts and diagrams for the user stories
- Directly managed customer requirements and expectations
- Reviewed test plans and strategy for the product
- Met the HIPAA compliance certification
2007 - 2010

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara - Guadalajara, Mexico

1998 - 2002

Bachelor's Degree in Telematics Engineering

Universidad de Colima - Colima, Mexico


IBM Experienced Project Manager



Project Management Professional (PMP)

Project Management Institute (PMI)

Collaboration That Works

How to Work with Toptal



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