authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计
13 的经验

Micah 是一个 digital designer who has worked with clients such as 谷歌, 德勤, and 欧特克. 他也是Toptal设计博客的主编, 他的设计专长曾被《欧博体育app下载》(Fast Company)刊载, TNW, 以及其他著名的出版物.








此前在Verizon Media任职

Predrag 是一个 multidisciplinary designer who works in a range of industries including gaming, 体育, 食物, 和娱乐. 在他15年的设计生涯中, 他与威瑞森媒体(Verizon Media)等全球品牌合作, 雅虎, 和NFL.

佩贾·马尔科维奇 是一个 平面设计师 总部设在塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德. 他在许多行业工作过, 包括传统印刷, 包装, 食物, 电视, 和更多的, 但游戏行业一直是他想去的地方. After working for an agency that developed promotional materials for Java games, 他加入Mad Head Games担任游戏UX设计师.

2021年初,他与 该校副校长工作室, a mobile game company based in Thailand, to design promotional assets for its 苹果商场 游戏, 流明.


流明 是一个 puzzle game in which the player finds a mysterious box in an attic and has to manipulate the lights, 镜头, 盒子里的镜子揭示了盒子创造者的故事, 19世纪的苏格兰发明家奥利维亚·麦克伦伦.

马尔科维奇被要求设计一个标志, 一个图标, 以及使用游戏中现有3D资产的宣传关键图像.


苹果的工作时间通常很紧. 马尔科维奇只有两周的时间来交出游戏的logo和喷溅图, 然后用四周时间完成图标. The brief also included a parallax version of the logo and icon that could be manipulated by the pointer in Apple TV, 但马尔科维奇从未与苹果公司合作过 视差Previewer 之前.

“时间很短, 所以我知道这意味着要在很多晚上和周末工作,马尔科维奇说. “但除了视差预览器, 我已经很熟悉我的工具了, 我之前在游戏行业工作过, 我理解游戏发行的过程.”


游戏的主角, 奥利维亚Mc流明, 生活在19世纪末20世纪初, 唤起那个时代的回忆, 游戏的外观和感觉借鉴了蒸汽朋克和新艺术美学. “我们喜欢这些风格的手工美学,Jakob Lykkegaard Pedersen说, Lykke工作室的负责人. “They truly have great, detailed workmanship that you don’t often find anymore.”


供参考, 工作室提供了游戏的可玩构建, as well as 3D assets from the game that could be repurposed for the promotional art.

“我一直想设计一些蒸汽朋克风格的东西,”马尔科维奇说. “这确实是一种视觉上独特的风格,因为它是幻想技术, 你创造的东西有很大的可能性. I was excited to have the chance to blend that with the art nouveau style that was popular during the time the game is set.”

首先,马尔科维奇集结起来 情绪板 and reference images to immerse himself in steampunk and art nouveau styles because he wanted to bring many of those details into his work.

“虽然《欧博体育app下载》是一款手机游戏, 从视觉上看,它非常精致和逼真,有详细的3D模型, 纹理, 还有动态照明,马尔科维奇说. “这不是一款带有平面形状和简洁设计的程式化游戏. 我创建的资产需要反映这种外观和感觉. 在这种情况下,a skeuomorphic设计 方法是最好的选择. We wanted to show the players through the logo and app icon what the game really looked like. 因为拟物化的设计现在已经不是常见的设计选择了, 这让游戏在苹果商场中脱颖而出.”


马尔科维奇说:“当我在3D中设计时,我有一个有点复杂的管道. “I use a lot of different tools because I like to get the best out of each one so my final product can be really polished.”

He begins with hand-drawn sketches to quickly communicate his initial ideas to the client. Once they identify the best options, he works up 2D versions in Adobe Illustrator. 然后, 下载3D版本, he sets up the scenes in 欧特克’s 3ds Max and finalizes them in Corona Renderer.

然后, as an extra step, he exports the alpha channels to Photoshop to retouch the images. 如果他在制作动画,他会使用Adobe After Effects.

“That gives me full control of the shadow, lighting, and color control,” he says. “你真的能看出区别. 对于一款关于光线的游戏来说,这一点尤为重要.”



马尔科维奇最初设计了一个标志 排版 这很大程度上依赖于机械元素, 比如铆钉和铰链, 为了突出蒸汽朋克对游戏的影响. It was also relatively quick to produce, which was important since time was short.


但工作室也希望这个标志能更有艺术性, 游戏外观和感觉的创意元素, 所以马尔科维奇重新开始, creating a typeface that echoed the art nouveau details that decorate the puzzle box and other features of the game.


然后他添加了游戏中的元素, including the lights and mirrors that players have to manipulate to solve the puzzles, 然后用Adobe After Effects制作动画. 这个标志, 哪个看起来像哑光钢, is set on a wooden background surrounded by a decorative brass border with functional gears in the corners.

The result was a logo that not only felt authentic to the era in which the game is set but also gave viewers a peek into the workings of the game itself.

最终的动画logo引用了许多游戏元素, 包括木箱, 黄铜配件, 以及游戏中的灯光和镜子.


图标通常是潜在玩家对游戏的第一次介绍. 这是玩家在浏览苹果商场商店时所看到的内容. 流明’s icon needed to evoke the essence of the game and stand out to entice players to click on it.

苹果的图标指南建议不要使用文字, 所以图像需要像游戏名称一样与众不同. Markovic sketched a number of options: an image of 奥利维亚Mc流明 and various views of the puzzle box, 包括一个打开盒子展示游戏元素的盒子.

The image of Olivia and the open-box options turned out to be too complex to work well at the small size 一个图标 needs to be. The images needed to be simpler yet retain the realistic style of the game and the other promotional assets.

Markovic ended up with two finalists: an image of the entire box in perspective and viewed from above, 还有一张正面装饰的全画幅特写, 盖子微微打开,光线从里面照进来.



The icon stands out in the 苹果商场 against the flatter images of the other icons.


玩家还可以在Apple TV上购买游戏. There, they can manipulate game icons using the pointer feature on the device’s remote control.

为了实现这个功能, designers need to create layered images that consist of two to five layers that unite to create a single interactive image.

以确保他的设计能在平台上运行, 马尔科维奇需要使用苹果的视差预览器工具, 哪个对他来说是新的, 但他没有犹豫. “我喜欢尝试新工具,”他说.

Apple’s 视差Previewer tool allowed Markovic to create icons that users can manipulate using the Apple TV pointer.

“我们对iOS印象特别深刻, tvo, 以及为我们设计的macOS图标,Lykkegaard Pedersen说. “They were built in 3D to make an otherwise flat icon look like it pops out of your device. 它在应用商店中看起来非常独特,并且非常适合游戏.”


The game is set in a dusty attic filled with light streaming in from the windows. Markovic needed to repurpose the existing art so it could be used in marketing materials. 他从游戏中获得了许多3D资产, 包括拼图盒, of course; a gramophone; a clock; and an interior shot of the attic.

但是因为游戏的图像是针对手机进行优化的, Markovic had to add more detail to the images in order to make them more marketing-friendly. 这意味着他必须添加更多的多边形和网格, 在某些情况下,他们不得不从头开始重新设计. 他在Corona Renderer中以4K格式渲染了所有内容,以获得高清外观, 然后使用Photoshop对图像进行润饰.



“Communication between me and the client was crucial for this to work,” he says. “幸运的是,他们有经验 3 d艺术家 谁为我准备了3D素材. 在那之后, I set up a scene in 3ds Max and we worked together on setting the right mood for the splash art. And the studio leads were very responsive and worked closely with me on driving art direction that reflected the game.”


《欧博体育app下载》是一款获得4分的成功游戏.苹果街机商店的评分为7分(满分5分). 给工作室团队留下了深刻印象 ·马尔科维奇的工作 他们又让他上场了.


  • 你是如何形成一个标志概念的?

    标志的开发意味着首先要理解概要. 然后广泛研究,让自己沉浸在想法中. 使用情绪板来集中你的方法. 头脑风暴激发你的创造力. 使用草图来更好地形象化你的想法,不要忘记使用颜色! 最后,以数字方式完善你的最佳创意.

  • 什么是游戏图标?

    Like app icons, game icons are icons used to identify games in an online store or player’s library. Game icon design should align with the game’s other branding and tell the user what to expect when they click.

  • 什么是游戏艺术?

    游戏美术是指任何与游戏相关的视觉元素. This could include concept art, storyboards, sprites, 3D models, lighting, animation, 和更多的.



验证专家 在设计
13 的经验




Micah 是一个 digital designer who has worked with clients such as 谷歌, 德勤, and 欧特克. 他也是Toptal设计博客的主编, 他的设计专长曾被《欧博体育app下载》(Fast Company)刊载, TNW, 以及其他著名的出版物.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.







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